Year 2000 Compliant Serial Date Routine

Written for QB4.5

If you are one of the many programmers that are directed here by the major search engines, welcome. This bit of code is a fully functional serial date routine that allows passing of standard dates to a serial date and back. There are other date converters available on the web, but most have limited capabilities and even errors. The serial dates provided by this routine are compatible with the ones used by many spreadsheets.

While this routine can be stolen and used as a cut-n-paste, novice programmers are advised to examine the code to see how proper annotation makes reading code simpler. Trust me, programmers do have to go back and change or update code long after they have totally forgotton anything about it. If you like the code, drop me an email. The minimal licensing fee isn't an issue for me, but notification of the fee does satisfy some legal requirements.


SUB DateConverter (StandardDate$, month%, DayOfMonth%, year%, DayNumber, DayOfWeek$, DayOfWeekNum%, week%, Language%)
'(C) 1998 by Theatre Support Services, Inc., 310 SW 66th Terr., Margate, FL
'    Shareware $2.00 licensing fee.

'This routine allows input of a date in standard MM-DD-YYYY format or as
'mm%,dd%,yy% or yyyy% to get the day of week (MON, etc.) and a day number
'that corresponds to the MS Works integer day number.
'This routine is only needed for QB or qBasic.
'VB Users have similar functionality by using SerialDate.
'The routine is highly annotated to show the logic to non-programmers.

'Experienced programmers may cringe at the occasional GOTO, but without
'the use of GOTOs, you wouldn't be here.  Every single hyperlink on the net 
'is essentially a GOTO with a different name, so lighten up guys! 
'Standard integer%, String$, etc. extensions are used for clarity. 

'If a day number is input to this routine instead of a date,
'the date and day of week are returned.

'Proper conversions are crucial to any program offering continuous
'reporting functions, and to insure against Y2K problems.
'Faster code would start with a later date and eliminate floating point numbers
'but the routine is usually used only a few times in a program, so speed
'isn't an issue as much as compatibility and not relying on any outside code.

'The Players, in order of appearance:
'DayNumber 'this could be long, but no harm is done using float

'The roles of the supporting cast become obvious.

DIM MO%(12)
DIM DayOfWeek$(7)
True% = 1 'Yeah, I know, -1. Whatever. 
False% = 0
'Yes, the following could be in a data file to shrink the dgroup memory usage.
'This is clearer and keeps the constants safer than in a data file.
MO%(1) = 31
MO%(2) = 28
MO%(3) = 31
MO%(4) = 30
MO%(5) = 31
MO%(6) = 30
MO%(7) = 31
MO%(8) = 31
MO%(9) = 30
MO%(10) = 31
MO%(11) = 30
MO%(12) = 31

  DayOfWeek$(1) = "FRI"
  DayOfWeek$(2) = "SAT"
  DayOfWeek$(3) = "SUN"
  DayOfWeek$(4) = "MON"
  DayOfWeek$(5) = "TUE"
  DayOfWeek$(6) = "WED"
  DayOfWeek$(7) = "THU"
  DayOfWeek$(1) = "Friday"
  DayOfWeek$(2) = "Saturday"
  DayOfWeek$(3) = "Sunday"
  DayOfWeek$(4) = "Monday"
  DayOfWeek$(5) = "Tuesday"
  DayOfWeek$(6) = "Wednesday"
  DayOfWeek$(7) = "Thursday"
  DayOfWeek$(1) = "VIE"
  DayOfWeek$(2) = "SAB"
  DayOfWeek$(3) = "DOM"
  DayOfWeek$(4) = "LUN"
  DayOfWeek$(5) = "MAR"
  DayOfWeek$(6) = "MIE"
  DayOfWeek$(7) = "JUE"
 'add cases as needed for language

FinishedFlag% = False%


'First, check to see if a DayNumber has been passed.  It has priority.
IF DayNumber < 0 THEN DayNumber = 0
IF DayNumber > 0 AND FinishedFlag% = False% THEN
 NumDays = DayNumber
 GOTO ConvertDayNumToDate

IF StandardDate$ > "" THEN 'break it into sections the program can eat
'Note- This version does not allow for other international date conventions.
 year% = VAL(MID$(StandardDate$, 7, 4))
 month% = VAL(MID$(StandardDate$, 1, 2))
 DayOfMonth% = VAL(MID$(StandardDate$, 4, 2))

'but if the sections have been entered manually or by the calling program,
'those sections take presidence over a full date
IF month% > 0 AND month% < 13 THEN Mn% = month%
IF DayOfMonth% > 0 AND DayOfMonth% < 32 THEN Da% = DayOfMonth%
IF year% >= 1900 THEN Yr% = year%

'many bios default to 01-01-1980, so since 1980 was about the date of
'pc introduction, we'll use that as the pivot for two digit years
'(This is the first part of Y2K compliance.)
IF year% >= 80 AND year% <= 99 THEN Yr% = year% + 1900
IF year% >= 0 AND year% < 80 THEN Yr% = year% + 2000

'limit wild entries
IF month% > 12 OR month% < 0 THEN BadDateFlag% = True%

 CASE 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
IF DayOfMonth% > 31 OR DayOfMonth% < 0 THEN BadDateFlag% = True%
 CASE 4, 6, 9, 11
IF DayOfMonth% > 30 OR DayOfMonth% < 0 THEN BadDateFlag% = True%
IF DayOfMonth% > 29 OR DayOfMonth% < 0 THEN BadDateFlag% = True%

IF year% > 2099 OR year% < 1900 THEN BadDateFlag% = True%

IF BadDateFlag% = True% THEN
 BadDateFlag% = False%
 month% = 1
 DayOfMonth% = 1
 year% = 1980
 FinishedFlag% = False%

'Now that we have the year, month, and day of the month, we loop to
'come up with an integer representing the day. MS uses the part after the
'decimal to represent the seconds in a day, but that isn't used here.

'Day 1 is Jan 1, 1900
NumDays = 1 'calls January 1 the number 1 instead of 0
FOR TestYr% = 1900 TO Yr% - 1 'start a loop at Jan 1, 1900 adding days
 'find if any year fits the definition of a leap year
 '(This is the second part of Y2K compliance)
 IF (TestYr% MOD 4 = 0 AND TestYr% MOD 100 <> 0) OR (TestYr% MOD 400 = 0) THEN
  'This is a leap year; Add the number of days in a leap year.
  NumDays = NumDays + 366
 ELSE 'Add the number of days in a regular year
  NumDays = NumDays + 365

NEXT 'keep adding until all days up to the current year Jan 1 are totalled

'we don't want to add the current year in or we would be 365 days ahead
'thats why the loop specifies yr% - 1
YearDays = NumDays 'we know we have at least this many days.

'Now we need to know if the _current_ year is a leap year.
'(This is the third part of Y2K compliance)
IF (Yr% MOD 4 = 0 AND Yr% MOD 100 <> 0) OR (Yr% MOD 400 = 0) THEN
 'It is a leap year. February has an extra day
 MO%(2) = 29

FOR TestMo% = 1 TO Mn% - 1 'now do the same adding for the months
 NumDays = NumDays + MO%(TestMo%)
NEXT 'again, don't add the current month

'now we add the days
NumDays = NumDays + Da% 'Numdays is the total of year days + month days,
                        'Da% is the day of the month and cannot be 0

'this is as far as the DATE$ functions go in many microsoft products -
'they don't go the extra step to find the day of the week, as shown below

'use the MOD function to get rid of all whole weeks and get a number
'from 0 to 6 representing a day of the week
DayOfWeekNum% = NumDays MOD 7

'for TSS applications DayOfWeekNum% 1 = Friday and so on.
'Since Friday normally starts a film week, this simplifies other code.

 CASE 0 'sat
  DayOfWeekNum% = 2
 CASE 1 'sun
  DayOfWeekNum% = 3
 CASE 2 'mon
  DayOfWeekNum% = 4
 CASE 3 'tue
  DayOfWeekNum% = 5
 CASE 4 'wed
  DayOfWeekNum% = 6
 CASE 5 'thu
  DayOfWeekNum% = 7
 CASE 6 'fri
  DayOfWeekNum% = 1

DayOfWeek$ = DayOfWeek$(DayOfWeekNum%)

DayOfYear% = NumDays - YearDays
week% = FIX((DayNumber - YearDays) / 7)
DayNumber = NumDays
FinishedFlag2% = True%

ConvertDayNumToDate: 'now to reverse the process

IF FinishedFlag% = True% GOTO FinishSub

BuiltDays = 0
NumDays = NumDays - 1 'get back in synch with the algorythem

FOR BuiltYr% = 1900 TO 2099 'use the loop at the year 1900 adding days
 'find if any year fits the definition of a leap year
 IF (BuiltYr% MOD 4 = 0 AND BuiltYr% MOD 100 <> 0) OR (BuiltYr% MOD 400 = 0) THEN
  'BuiltYr% qualifies as a leap year, add the number of days in a leap year
  BuiltDays = BuiltDays + 366 '(BuiltDays is the total days of all previous years)
  IF NumDays <= BuiltDays THEN 'the date is within this year
   FoundYear% = BuiltYr%
   MonthAndDay% = 366 - (BuiltDays - NumDays)
 ELSE 'add the number of days in a regular year
  BuiltDays = BuiltDays + 365
  IF NumDays <= BuiltDays THEN 'the date is in this year
   FoundYear% = BuiltYr%
   MonthAndDay% = 365 - (BuiltDays - NumDays)

NEXT 'Year :keep adding until all days up to the current year Jan 1 are totalled
'we don't want to add the current year in or we would be 365 days ahead

'now we need to know if FoundYear% is a leap year
IF (FoundYear% MOD 4 = 0 AND FoundYear% MOD 100 <> 0) OR (FoundYear% MOD 400 = 0) THEN
 'correct the # of days in Feb
 MO%(2) = 29

BuiltMo% = 0 'reset incrementer
FOR TestMo% = 1 TO 12 'now do the same adding for the months
 IF MonthAndDay% > BuiltMo% + MO%(TestMo%) THEN
  BuiltMo% = BuiltMo% + MO%(TestMo%) '(add this month's days and continue to BuiltMo%)
 ELSE 'the number of days left are less than the days in the next month
  FoundMonth% = TestMo%
  FoundDay% = MonthAndDay% - BuiltMo%

month% = FoundMonth%
DayOfMonth% = FoundDay%
year% = FoundYear%
FinMonth$ = RIGHT$("0" + LTRIM$(STR$(month%)), 2)
FinDay$ = RIGHT$("0" + LTRIM$(STR$(DayOfMonth%)), 2)
FinYear$ = RIGHT$(LTRIM$(STR$(year%)), 4)
StandardDate$ = FinMonth$ + "-" + FinDay$ + "-" + FinYear$

IF FinishedFlag2% = True% GOTO FinishSub

IF FinishedFlag% = False% THEN 'we still need to get a day of the week
 FinishedFlag% = True%
 GOTO ConvertDateToDOW

